Welcome to the training site for EZWxBrief
Expert weather training beyond the checkride

Meet the CFI
Dr. Scott Dennstaedt is an experienced FAA-certificated instrument flight instructor (CFI) and former NWS meteorologist. He is the author of The Skew-T log (p) and Me and co-author of Pilot Weather: From Solo to the Airlines. Scott has written over 400 articles for various aviation magazines and is a contributing editor of FLYING magazine. He's always had a love for weather & aviation since childhood and is now enjoying his true vocation of teaching.
1-on-1 Training
If you prefer a more personal touch, consider purchasing a 1-on-1 online weather training session with Dr. Scott Dennstaedt. With over 25 years of weather training experience, Dr. Dennstaedt is a subject matter expert in aviation weather & will create an in-depth curriculum tailored to meet your current mission and flying activity.
Scheduled Classes
Are you looking to increase your aviation weather acuity? Interested in becoming much more confident in your preflight weather analysis? Then purchase a seat in one our our online twelve-week aviation weather classes. Can't attend all every class? No worries, all classes are recorded. You can also purchase the recorded class if there are no live classes currently being taught.
About AvWxTraining
AvWxTraining is the official live training site of EZWxBrief, your best online source for aviation weather. It is owned by AvWxWorkshops Inc and operated by Dr. Scott Dennstaedt. The best way to reach Scott is to fill out the Contact Us form below.