We are very proud that AvWxWorkshops Inc has been selected to participate in the inaugural Innovation Showcase at the 50th SUN 'n FUN Expo in Lakeland, Florida for it's innovative approach to preflight planning with the EZWxBrief progressive web app. If you are headed there, please stop by and say hello or attend one of the eight presentations given by Dr. Scott Dennstaedt.

The Innovation Showcase tent is air conditioned and located in the Future 'n Flight Plaza near the entrance of the event (also known as the NE Exhibits). You'll find us in the EZWxBrief booth at IS-21. If you have a question about weather or want to see a demo of EZWxBrief v2.0, this is the place to come.

Here's the presentation schedule for Scott. You can also visit the main schedule and type in Dennstaedt into the search field to see the location and times all of his presentations. Arrive early, they are usually standing room only for many.

Check out our social media accounts for any updates or specials during the event -https://instagram.com/ezwxbrief and https://facebook.com/ezwxbrief. We hope to see you there!
Most pilots are weatherwise, but some are otherwiseâ„¢Â
Dr. Scott Dennstaedt
Weather Systems Engineer
Founder, EZWxBriefâ„¢
CFI & former NWS meteorologist