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EZTip No. 25 - Skew-T log (p) options in EZWxBrief

A Skew-T log (p) diagram from NOAA is available through the EZAirport view in the EZWxBrief progressive web app. After signing in, click on the Start button from the Home page and then in the Quick Start menu select View airport weather.

This will take you to the EZAirport view shown below. Enter the desired airport identifier (green arrow) and then select the airport menu hierarchy button (blue arrow) and then select the Skew-T Diagram option in the menu (red arrow).

After choosing this option, it will open up a new browser window for the airport chosen and the default is to show you Skew-T diagrams from the latest run of the Rapid Refresh model (RAP) or Op40 that includes the analysis and 19 forecast hours from this run. That's a total of 20 diagrams. If you get an empty diagram with no data plotted, that likely means the airport is not in database. This is common for smaller airports.

Shown below the diagram, is the latest model analysis in the lower-right (red arrow) and subsequent hourly forecasts through the last forecast hour (F19) in the upper-left (blue arrow). It is the latter that gets displayed when the diagrams are first rendered. To look at a Skew-T diagram for the other forecast hours or valid times, simply click on the specific gray box listed below the diagram.

At this point you have the option of selecting the Load Soundings button (red arrow) as shown below to increase (or decrease) the number of forecast hours to load. For the Rapid Refresh (Op40) you can enter as much as 51 hours here (blue arrow). Although, 21 hours is the operational limit for the RAP and hours beyond 21 are considered experimental.

When clicking on the Load button, it will build 20 Skew-T diagrams ending with the 51 hour forecast (F51) shown in the upper-left (blue arrow). This extends from F32 to F51 at an hourly interval in the gray rectangles.

Lastly, as shown below, you have the option with the Load Soundings button to look at RAOBs and other forecast models that include the GFS and NAM as well as other versions of the RAP that may have a higher horizontal resolution but are much slower to load (e.g., RAP_OPS_130). Keep in mind that some of these options do not function at this point in time (e.g., HRRR).

If you want to learn more about the Skew-T diagram, you can order your copy of The Skew-T log (p) and Me book that is available in soft cover or eBook format.

Most pilots are weatherwise, but some are otherwise™

Dr. Scott Dennstaedt

Weather Systems Engineer

Founder, EZWxBrief™

CFI & former NWS meteorologist

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