Here are the release notes for EZWxBrief version 1.0.5. There's nothing to download, just close and restart the progressive web app on your device and you'll have the latest release at your fingertips. Here are the changes implemented in this release...
Fixed a bug that was showing sunrise sun/moon weather icons at the wrong time on the route profile
When EZDeparture Advisor is minimized, added highlight to make it easier to determine the departure time currently set on slider
Added Max Alt (FL) label back to the route profile and meteogram that was missing on an iPad
When changing the EZDeparture Advisor time on the EZRoute Profile, the main viewport remains fixed and no longer automatically scrolls back to the left (departure airport)
Removed PIREPs, SIGMETs and G-AIRMETs legends from the EZRoute Profile and EZAirport pages
Minor updates and additions to the Pilots Guide
Other minor bug fixes and performance enhancements
Enjoy the simplicity of EZWxBrief!
Your EZWxBrief support team