Here are the release notes for EZWxBrief™ version 2.0.3
Added back the static imagery from the Canadian GFA
Corrected an issue where the Gulf of Mexico and CONUS satellite imagery wasn't being rendered
Temporarily removed the Skew-T option in the Airport Wx sitemap menu for reasons described here
Fixed an issue that was causing the active route to be removed from the route when settings were changed or the EZDeparture Advisor was altered
Added the capability to allow the user to delete recent routes, recent airports and recent imagery from the Dashboard
Made minor corrections and updates to the Pilots Guide
Squashed a number of smaller bugs and made other under-the-hood enhancements to make the platform more stable and responsive on portable devices
Given that EZWxBrief is a progressive web app, there's nothing you need to do. New releases are seamless and become available the next time you restart the app.
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