Here are the release notes for EZWxBrief™ version 2.0.1
For devices with a keyboard, you can now use the left and right arrow keys to move the time slider on the Imagery view.
Added static imagery for airframe icing and turbulence to replace the Aviation Weather Center imagery that was terminated in May.
Created a smoother experience when sliding the EZDeparture Advisor.
Removed the ability to hover over or tap on route segment points that are depicted as a latitude/longitude.
Corrected an issue where the meteogram view day/night shading was was not rendering at the proper sunrise/sunset times for the airport.
Fixed the tabular display for the Flight Category bar on the Meteogram view that flashed or flickered when hovering over it for certain valid times.
Corrected an issue that did not take some users to the correct Landing Page after signing in.
The EZForecast station markers tabular display from the Map now has consistency between the Clouds field and Weather field when there were few or scattered clouds forecast for the station.
Added legends for many of the Station Marker layers that can be accessed through the info button in the masthead.
Fixed an issue where the Recent Routes in the Dashboard was only showing the most recent five routes instead of ten.
Increased the vertical width of the flight category bar on the Route Profile and Meteogram to make it easier to tap on handheld touch screen devices.
Squashed a number of smaller bugs and made other under-the-hood enhancements to make the platform more stable and responsive on handheld devices.
Given that EZWxBrief is a progressive web app, there's nothing you need to do. New releases are seamless and become available the next time you restart the app.
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